The same Subject!

  • Rachel
    16 years ago

    Is it bad to have the same style of writing, or a similar plot to most of your poems? I know that its good to have veriaty but what if I just really enjoya certain subject. Is there anything wrong with that?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    Write what you like to write, when you feel adventurous, venture outside of the box. As long as you enjoy what you write, it's all good.

  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    Nothing as long as your happy doing it!

  • Spirit
    16 years ago

    I hope nothing is worng with that because i usuall write in ABCB poetry. sure i have branched out but i found that i can express myself easiest when i use what i am familiar with.

  • Boy
    16 years ago

    Nuthing is wrong, just keep it up your work.

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    I think the poem is about how you feel and doesnt really matter if its different or not x

  • Gem
    16 years ago

    If you like writing about the same subject why don't you try sticking to that but writing in different formats.
    When i started writing, i wasn't too comfortable with branching out of my comfort zone but writing a few Triolets or Palindromes soon fixed that problem, i found i liked it so much that i started trying them out with different plots.
    Another thing that helps is writing the same story but from a different perspective, an opposite view.
    Give it a go, you never know what you might discover!

    16 years ago

    You can write about the same sort of stuff, no doubt, I do all the time. All you got to do is make each one unique. Try to refrain from using the same words in the same spots, or same words at all. Use different descriptions, take your time writing them.

  • X l i l T a n i X
    16 years ago

    You can write whaever you want even if its the same kind of style

  • Grey Ajurahck
    16 years ago

    Write what you know, what you feel. But just be careful you don't start repeating yourself. It never hurts though to try something different, expand your horizons, challenge yourself so you don't get in a rut or stagnate. I do find myself revisiting some of the same moods or themes, but I try to do it in a different way/style/whatever when I do. Some subjects and emotions are just such a big part of ourselves.

    Write on!

    Grey Ajurahck