*A poem doesnt need a good rating to be good*

  • Michelle
    20 years ago

    Hey Bre...I definitely agree with that...as long as it comes from the heart that's all that matters...I'll have to go check out some of your stuff...take care! :)

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    i agree too, i normally think a poem is alot better if its something i can relate to in my life! i appreciate all poems but i do tend to lean more towards ones i can relate to!

  • Randy Lee
    20 years ago

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Poem, How Do I Love Thee has a rating of 4.2, and it may very well be one of the most well know love poems ever written. I think that most of the ppl that vote here vote on if they know what your poem is about, as opposed to how your poem is constructed. I guess beauty is most certainly in the eye of the beholder. I am greatful that I have found a place to post some of the stuff I write. In all but one case, hope reading my poem brings a smile to your face. I know it has brought a smile to the person it was written for. If you are looking to be a good poet, I suggest you look closly at Tara and Jackie. Both have excellent poetry on this site.

  • jana marie
    19 years ago

    i agree if you find out some one doesn't rate your poem good who cares coz every one has their own opinion. one poe may be good in the eyes of one person but horrible in the eyes of othas. Guys don't take it to heart

  • Poetically Speaking
    19 years ago

    poetry is you expressing something. no one is perfect, and perfect poems are usually the ones that don't rhyme, are very sophisticated, and put much emphasis on deep underlying meanings that are not straight forward - or at least that’s the belief. if i see someone’s poem i'll read it no matter what. its them talking from their heart, i don’t care if it doesn’t look right, or sound right. big deal. too much emphasis on structure in poetry, not enough about what is trying to be expressed. some say "oh man, poems that rhyme in every line suck!!!" ya ok, well that’s your opinion. just vote with an open mind.

  • ChildofGod87
    19 years ago

    *I totally agree with you *Bre ...I seen on the poem that I just written and someone just rated it "1" I just like ":O omg!" Now, just shocking! Sometimes I get really upset but I try to move on:D..
    oxox Sedusha oxox

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I totally agree - i personally couldn't give a crap about my ratings - it more the comments that i take to heart and value...I just realise that everyone interpretation of my poem is gunna be different and more importantly that there a certain ppl - thank goodness not the majority - but still there is some ppl on this site out just to destroy others ratings and stir up trouble - i just wanna thank those ppl who take time to do more than click a number and actually tell me about my poetry - how its affected them, if it was a decent read, and if there is anything i can improve on...


  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    Just because a rating is low just means that the people who have actually taken the time to comment and or vote either A. didnt like it because it's not their style B. didnt understand it C. have high standards or D. [my favorite] didn't want you on the top 5 rated poems.
    It doesn't mean the poem is bad. Everyone just has different tastes.

  • Erica Brown©
    19 years ago

    It's like that book... umm crap... what was it.. OH YEAH! Cyrano de Bergeac (sp?) sorry well anyways.. Cyrano was a great poet and he refused to write for anyone just because they might change how it was or what people would think of it. Just like you and me our poems come from our heart and the only reason it is good to show others is to get help and editing not a reply of "You suck quit writing" Because once you start there's no stopping. It's like a good drug o.O kinda.