The face behind the name

  • Siro aKa Gaara
    15 years ago

    Siro, because its my screename.. a.k.a Gaara, because hes one of the coolest anime charaters out there ^__^

  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    'To Be With You' is a song by Mr Big that is quite sweet and melodic, and I was obssessed with it when I first set up the account, and everyone knows me by this name now so it stuck :)

    And obviously, you have to have the lil x's lol

  • DeathsRose
    15 years ago

    My name is DeathsRose because when I first set up this account I was thinking that death can be pretty like a rose and take away all bad things and make you smile like a rose does...And I just kind of like this name...It kind of just stuck with me.

  • Poet on the Piano
    15 years ago

    My name is Angels From The Realms of Glory because its Christmastime, and I love that song. I recently changed it to be in the Christmas mood.

  • DeathsRose
    15 years ago

    Now my name means that there is always a bright side to even the darkest of things such as death... not like what it meant before.

  • SummerxSunsets
    15 years ago


    i'm always a fan of staying up late to watch the sunset. Summer is my favorite season, and watching sunsets can be so romantic.

  • The DaveJon
    15 years ago


    Well there is only one of me out there, so hence the "The." I have two first names then because one is the shortened version of my first name (David) and the second is the short portion of my last name (Johnson).

    Personally, I don't care if you know my first and last name because there are a lot of David Johnsons out there and I'm just another face that melds into the crowd.

  • c 0 n f u s e d
    15 years ago

    because i really dont know what to do anymore i still want him so bad but i dont want to get hurt again.. =/

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    My name is simply that... my name. lol.

  • StandStill
    15 years ago

    kisses. hugs.
    hard, ik.

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    15 years ago

    Im Tia xoxo and time to time i add things on like Tia xoxo "unity"

    well..cuz im a unity goth. but right now it just says merry xmas =]

    but if u truley get to know me, you'll know that ima twisted person ;] and i like it

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    The reason behind my screen name is because it's the opposite of who I am.