Anger contest.

  • Jenni Marie
    16 years ago


  • PygmyPuff
    16 years ago

    Ooh I get angry sometimes...This is an old one but its about one of the most angry-est things I get angry about

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    I Am In Love With You.
    I Watch You From My Bedroom Window
    As You Play With Your Friends.

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    I See What You Can Do.
    I Knew So Long Ago
    Of What You'd Come To Be.

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    Why Can't You See The Light?
    Why Don't You Talk To Me
    About The Way You Feel?

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    Why Do We Always Fight?
    Why Are You Unable To See
    What You Will Soon Become?

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    Please Don't Breathe In That Smoke.
    Please Just Spit That Out
    While You Still Have A Choice.

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    Please Consider A Revoke.
    Please Don't Go Down a Route
    That You Can Not Control.

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    You Knew That She's No Good.
    You Know That She Is Using You
    For A Tick Upon The Wall.

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    You're Just Misunderstood.
    You Have The Chance To Turn Into
    A Worthwhile Companion.

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    I Refuse To See You Die.
    I Can't Watch You Fall Away
    Into Your Own Helter-Skelter.

    Little Brother, Little Brother!
    We Met in Junior High.
    But Now It Is The Last Day
    That I Will Care For You.

  • NyellMoonlight
    16 years ago

    Throwing stones at Glass Moons

    Scrupling between opinions and adjectives,
    breaking and waiting, endlessly waiting...
    I'm someone I don't know today
    and I'll dissect emotions and beliefs once again.

    Honesty... oh, false honesty that controlled me...
    I'm leaving it behind with the rest of mimicry.
    I will scream so you can find me in the woods of silence
    (on the other hand, don't bother... I love to be lost)

    This is distant mediocrity of my scattered desires
    that echo, waiting in the shadows of decaying moral.
    Play with words, please, play with my thoughts
    as I throw stones at the moons of yesterdays.

  • Melpomene
    16 years ago

    Anger Bites My Pen

    I'd prefer to rip away your limbs then redeem you for your sins
    To gouge out your eyes then slit your tongue for all the lies,
    Burn your body in a fire, Then choke you silently with wire
    To drown you in my sorrow while taking you from tomorrow,
    To see you in fearful death for you took away my last breath,
    As you watch me end your life, For you put mine through strife.
    I'd prefer to watch you suffer in vain for ripping at my brain
    As I kill your conscious slowly for the love that you owe me.

  • Jenni Marie
    16 years ago

    Ahhh. you all suck. but only because it was so hard to judge ^^ hmmm. 1st place:Mel-Anger bites my pen. 2nd place-Jess, Tell me your sorry with a straight face. 3rd place-Dark Angel, darkness without the moon. all winners will recieve 5 comments each. remaining participants will recieve 3 comments each. please pm me the titles you want doing. but please remember to give me time..I'm not on here 24/7 :)