by xxMiSSC0NFUS3Dxx   Apr 7, 2008

shes just the type of girl
that no one sees they walk rite in to her like
shes not even there
she does her best to impress the one true guy at school but..he looks for the girl that will gave anything up to him & shes just not into it , no one listens to her they look & talk like if they see rite through her
she feels lonely inside with nobody to wipe her tears or gave her advice
she just sits in her room & with the only thing she has in her life is her bears to hold & she would talk 2 them like they would listen
but now she just CRIES in her room in the dark alone with no one 2 hold her & tell her it will be alright
so thinking of the thinks that would never happen she pulls at a gun & BOOM!
on the floor..........
hoping it would be the end & be free from everything!


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  • Very very good i like it. to show your emtions and how u are feeling. that good u can write how u are feeling. i love this poem.