Poems About Depression

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  • What Perception?

    by Timothy

    So ready, the aches are real,
    It's desperation I feel...

  • She fakes her smile for those she loves
    And quietly counts the minutes go by...

  • Wicked Game 1

    by Synful

    The ceiling mocks me in the darkness,
    Its fan slowly turning and pushing my thoughts...

  • I Pretend

    by Cantchangeme

    Inside I’m just bare boards
    Music without chords...

  • Not Okay

    by Mrs. Adams

    I'm not okay, though I appear,
    To navigate this world with cheer...

  • A portrait of a clown 1

    by El_Mabini

    It was the only night
    I felt real—comfortable...

  • Severed

    by mckenzie

    no strings left to drag me back to...

  • The autumn whirlwind of warmth and cold,
    A man should understand that we all get old...

  • My voice feeling the weight of sorrow,
    Tears spill like ink from the crumbling pages of...

  • She stood before me, battered but radiant— A...
    “His love—a sweet poison, laced with the air...

  • Teenager Continued
    Battle at Home...

  • Teenager
    The next one stepped forward with forced steps...