Inner Darkness

by Blacksand   Mar 23, 2006

My inner darkness shines as bright,
as a hundred million rays light.
Darkness cannot shine you say?
Well mine is brighter than the day.
It illuminates my heart and soul,
breaks me down, then builds me whole.
It shines in me wherever I am,
and makes me just not give a damn.
For when you have darkness inside,
there's no happy place to hide.
You see the world as it is for real,
where people hate, and hurt, and kill.
With light inside you see only good,
and live a good life as everyone should.
So why is it that I choose the dark,
when light by comparison is a walk in the park?
It's because darkness prepares you for what can go wrong,
cause the world's going to Hell, and Earth doesn't have long.
Darkness teaches you caution, be prepared all the time,
disaster and tragedy strike with no reason or rhyme.
Darkness teaches you stealth, used for hiding your stash,
to appear out of nowhere, or disappear in a flash.
But, the main reason it's the darkness I choose,
is because when I die, I'll have nothing to lose.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Dinks Girl

    This is touching and true, also painful to some degree! It is a very good poem, I loved it.

  • 18 years ago

    by manda

    Wow! this poem is really strong, luvved it! manda xxx

  • Awesomawesomeawsesome!!!
    really amazing! 5/5 and u r so on my faves list!
