May 11th, 2006

by Destiny77   Sep 2, 2006

I did something bad
Something really bad
I really didn't mean to
Let it go that far
The incident happened so quick
And I got mad
I turned real ugly
And my face went knotty
My body swirled up
And out came fire
The next thing I knew
I saw blood
And a deep cut
I started to cry
I am really sorry
For hurting like this
I really need help
Can you help me with this?
I am sorry
To the person I hurt
I am such a bad person
Can you forgive me for what I have done?
I didn't mean to
it was an accident
it was a really bad accident
I am sorry
Please forgive me for what I've done
Please please please
Please forgive me for what I've done
I should go away
So you can have a better life
A better life without me would be the best thing for you
I am such a terrible person
What should I do?
What happened today
Shouldn't of happened
I will forever be trying to make up for it
Please don't tell anybody what I done
I feel like such a fraud
That everybody thinks that I am this wonderful, kind, caring person when I feel like that I am not
Today on this day
Is a day that I will NEVER forget
it will forever changed me and I will forever and always think of myself as a bad person for what I done.
I can't explain enough how sorry I am for what happened, please, please forgive me for what I have done.


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