Way random thoughts

by nicole   Oct 5, 2006

Well I guess you know what they say when life throws you a curb throw a bible back never a bad idea to have one in your back pack full of random stuff thats all useful from time to time just like a notebook in which to write down here and there a random line

never a bad idea to keep pen and paper with you in a sad moment its a pretty good thing to do grab a piece of something scribble down black on white it will bring you solace in the long hours of the night never be without it thats my advice to you

kinda like a shoe something to stand on when all else fails something to lay a hand on when life's as sharp as nails something to write a letter to God on and send it in the mail one of the only things that brings comfort through the bars of a jail

never give up conveying your emotions no matter how confused they sound on paper they make more sense then just deftly hitting the ground seemingly falling out of your mouth like a stream of lost confusion dropped into the hole of delusion


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