Misc. Poems

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  • I saw you as soon as I arrived
    sitting across the room...

  • the undying and the unknown
    come together as a massacre...

  • secrecy

    by writer

    you said the jewels on skin
    were a deep seated desire...

  • deipnosophist

    by writer

    music is plucked out of tables
    that are being polished for breaths of new air...

  • abience

    by writer

    what chances would there be
    that the sun, the moon, the mars, venus, mercury...

  • Before The Beginning Began

    by Christen Kuikoua

    Before the dawn of time’s first breath,
    Before the light of morning’s crest...

  • merciful

    by writer

    if the stars were merciful
    they would have taken your fingers...

  • i love you

    by writer

    you're embalmed
    with peace, honey...

  • for i'll drive all the knives i can find
    into my own heart...

  • we met again

    by writer

    the voices retch inside me:
    a little bit of fine dust...

  • philostorgie

    by writer

    is that why when the moon masks
    you count everyone in the middle of your sleep...

  • here you are braving a step
    to free fall from towers that can take...