by Lenny   Nov 6, 2007

Who would have known?

Sesame seeds
And burnt orange sunsets
Dont come wrapped

In silver tin film

They come
Like silver spoon
And spotted bowl

The cereal
And milk dont come

They come
Like waves and seabirds

Hillsides to newborn
Gardens and seedlings
They blossom

Sesame seeds
And burnt orange sunsets
Who would have known?


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  • 16 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    I sure wouldn't have! we must do what we can with the knowledge we possess; we must make our demons into daemons. and crawl the leaves of better trees. that is, if we choose to separate from the demons. which it looks as if we do. one day , in future musings, we may see what knowledge is, what it does for us; what we do for it; spreading dandelion questions.. hmmm or just roaring lions at the piney gate where pincers laugh with their fate, and i with mine. always a little late, always a little slow. always wondering at pain, and laughter in my sides as i straddle the gate bitten by thorns and lions and the color green moving in whatever sees it. ooo blah!