Poems by James Weatherbee

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  • Love is a gift!
    then why do we all suffer for love...

  • We all chose,
    Weather to live...

  • Life is like a chemical equation,
    it must be balanced...

  • You make me feel,
    like life is worth living...

  • Never was a friend so great,
    that when the night is late...

  • Why? (2)

    All I can do is watch,
    I feel like you did this...

  • Blind! (2)

    I was lost in your eyes,
    couldn't see your lies...

  • I reach my hand out to you,
    but it just passes right through...

  • We all have buttons,
    and as hard as we try...

  • Loss! (1)

    Your eyes,
    As you said your goodbyes...

  • I try to be perfect;
    but I just get kicked...

  • I wished upon a star;
    didn't think it would go this far...