Favorite Quotes

  • Gentry
    16 years ago

    So I think it would be really cool if on here we were able to add quotes to our favorites, like they have the Favorite poems. I'm more of a quotes person than a poem person and I read amazing ones on here a lot and I copy and paste them in a Word Document but I end up with a 40 page document and it would just be easier if we could add them to our Fave Quotes page.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    Some more things might be done with quotes if we ever are able to clean them up so they are all original and not plagiarized

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    But we might still like some that are plagiarized or ones that are original. if we like the quote we want to add it to our favs regardless. and i am guessing that will take a long time. I like the idea.


  • xXxUNOxXx
    16 years ago

    That would be kewl to add ur fav quotes.