The Getaway

by lostwithin   Feb 23, 2008

You blew me away,
Like a leaf on a windy day.
You were here.
Now you are there,
and i do not know what to say.
You made me speechless,
Since you left so fast.
You used to be in my life every day,
and suddenly you are my past.
You meant so much to me,
I do not think you had a clue.
Atleast you acted like you never knew.
You got up and left,
As if it was just the ordinary thing to do.
You kept me waiting and wondering if you would ever come back,
and in the end i found out that it was a wish,
not a fact.
You left me all alone to be crushed and thrown around.
And now that I am all alone my heart is no where to be found.


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