Legacy of the son

by Madison   Feb 29, 2008

In far there was an infested land
that sat twixt the raging seas
and all its domain vain and proud
for all in their sight belonged to me
sitting high upon my throne of white
i send there children and sons to die
for i am god who shalt be heard
for all my subjects long for my hand
fear is the tool of my everlasting presence
terror the strength in my right hand
i hold the keys of life and death
for the pitiful retches of this desolate land


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    She said all that but couldnt give u a rating lol i rated it for u.

  • 16 years ago

    by geeeeee

    You really have a way with words:)
    loving your poems.