Rant to vent

by Brie Anna   Mar 3, 2008

I don't mean to laugh, i should really cry
when i say those words that tell you i want to die
but as ironic as it is i can't really help it
is it my fault that my whole life i've been treated like s-hit
and find the pain fun now and the not so happy things great
to dislike all your pitty and be filled with self hate
it's a wonder to the world on why things happen the way they do
if bad things happen you desere them don't you
i can't be wrong in some weird way i'm right
it's like when your abused an don't but up that fight
to be thristy and drop that can
to be little and drop that hand
dehydration sets in
to get hit by that car, oh what a sin
but in that weird right way you deserve what you got
for plenty of reasons surely you have forgot
but what happens if you were always good
and did all the things you knew you should
yet you still get hit and still get hurt
and sill the people all treat you like dirt
do you deserve it then? no
but you feel as if you do for they made you feel low
you tell your self the lies that you did
witch gives you the reason to say why should i live
you try to tell a friend they way you feel
but you think that they couldn't deal
they know something is worng by all they do is wait
and by the time they try to help it's already to late
they never tried to be there
and you became more low cause you thought they didn't care
when they really did
and the friendship you needed most is what they hid
but would it of done you any good if they were to help you
or would you still go and do the things you do
not one person will ever know
and all the stactistic's will show;
that your just one more faitailty
a pure dirty worthless nobody......

© Brie Anna Cherry Jello Press ©


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