Poems About Death

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  • Caution tape. 1 WIN

    by Poet on the Piano

    I stepped outside for the first time tonight,
    waiting until the world got a little darker...

  • Revenant

    by Cantchangeme

    I’ve been waiting here a long time
    Almost twenty summer suns...

  • Plausibility

    by Skyfire

    It seems
    possible that I...

  • In death there is life. (2)

    by Poet on the Piano

    I just want to go, quietly -
    to make my exit as swift and painless...

  • atlantic

    by Poet on the Piano

    please help me go
    please help me leave...

  • Helping hand.

    by Poet on the Piano

    (trigger warning)
    I don’t care anymore...

  • Dear death.

    by Poet on the Piano

    (trigger warning)
    You’re terrifying when you invade my space...

  • Just lost

    by shadows of saber

    Twisted and contorted.
    The body starts to weither...

  • They were cooking,
    for their parents and children...

  • The green in the air, alarms going off in the...

  • I lost you all them years ago
    I never even got the chance to know you...

  • Now, my heart is paper,
    fragile to malice...