Comments : Taken From The Mind Of A Prostitute

  • 16 years ago

    by Jayden

    I really enjoyed this poem alot but your right it doesn't sound finished but it is really good 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Melvin LeVeque

    Personally i liked this....ummmm i would give it like a 4.5/5 just because im the kinda person who likes a more steady tempo...i think it makes your writing more favorable

    i loved some of the word choice

    overall it was a great read!!!!!
    good job

  • 16 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    I liked the way the poem was penned.I mean the structure...but I had to read it twice to connect it with the title..the title has done the job..

    I must appreciate your choice of title -->Just the title gave me an idea of what the whole thing is about

    - A kiss on the cheek, but never the lips; Sorry sweetie, personal isn't their -style-.

    ^^lmao...i liked these lines a lot...perfectly said straight to the face...u've conveyed your concept in a simple way that is easily understandable

    " to bad your {heart} can't agree with your [brain]"
    ^^ my fave lines..this is one situation which can be related by most of happens to us more or less once've portrayed how it feels

    The way you fitted some words in brackets added to the style and depth of the poem

    Well a very enjoyable peice of art!
    keep up the good job!


  • 16 years ago

    by Lance

    All i can say is wow!! if i said what i relly mean it would be pages!!
    you could add more if you wanted but it's perfect and if you want..make it more perfect

  • 16 years ago

    by Melpomene

    Wow, I really did enjoy this piece by you. The emotion expressed is so deep and powerful. I liked the word use of "sweet heart" ect it really created a loving and worthless effect at the same time. The flow of this was flawless. So far i'm enjoying your work.

    I liked the meaning portrayed behind this, it was quite interesting. Not something you read everyday which is great. I like to read different things instead of the same cliche thing over and over everyday.

    A greatly penned poem. Well done.

    Keep writing. ~Mel

  • 16 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    This was really unique.... I like that it was a random poem, it proves how much talent you have when you can take something and make it your own, with your own emotion even though you havent been through that experience

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Hey i like it this way...
    the last lines... the repeatation.. everything matches with the poem and makes more impact...

    the description is wonderful...

    great job..

  • 16 years ago

    by Nix

    Interesting poem, very innovate write. I enjoyed in whole poem, it is random but truly remarkable. I don't prefer sarcasm in poetry but here you added some very effective hues with it. Truly refreshing idea and you managed to create amazing rhythm with broken lines on few parts.
    I don't see why some words are in{}; words that you put in that kind of brackets didn't actually made too much need to be highlighted in my mind, but that is my personal opinion, I just didn't saw the function of that.
    But overall you did fantastic job.

  • 15 years ago

    by fearose

    I love the bracket and parenthesis. I've written poems like that before. This was deep and even though it's not from personal experience, it's still very powerful. The fact that you're able to write something so strong that's not from personal experience is a beautiful thing. Great job, you deserve 5/5.

  • 13 years ago

    by Vicki

    Amazing....brought tears to my eyes, truly truly just amazing.

    i am at a complete loss for words...