Inspirational Poems

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  • Rise African Child

    by Eric Ngobeni

    Rise, African child, rise up high,
    Embrace the future with a steadfast eye...

  • Black Sheep

    by MysteryMan

    Black sheep
    Different, divergent, and disparate, no sense of...

  • The Woman

    by Cold Kira

    Part 1:
    I saw a woman and fell in love with her...

  • Life…

    by Tim

    We live and then it comes time to die,
    In the blink of an eye, the years fly by...

  • I am nobody
    and might always be like such...

  • Earth bound, tied to who I am!
    No brush to canvas to releases the emotions...

  • another thought!

    by patrick

    I admit, I am deep!
    The bubble gum and popcorn brigade...

  • Enquiry!

    by patrick

    Can you foretell tomorrow?
    The past lives in my poems...

  • A man of my time!

    by patrick

    I was born this way!
    I know wrong from right...

  • Don’t dismantle my dream world,
    The theatre of the mind is very important...

  • Searching!

    by patrick

    We live our lives through different time frames.
    Each pertinent, on a personal level only...

  • Self-expression is all I have, to navigate this...
    Common sense, my north star...