Never Knew It

by 1chance3words   Mar 29, 2008

How could you do this to me
how could you not tell me something that is as important as this?
i dont know how to feel
all i do is cry
i dont know how to feel
will i ever heal?
i dont know who she is...left when i was 3 months...
how could you do this to me?
dad..why did you give me up?
everyone knew
no one said one word
its like a bad dream that i cant ever wake up from
i dont know what to believe with everything that ive heard
lied to me all 18 years of my life
and got mad when i hid something from you that wasnt even bad
you said i couldnt handle it then and i couldnt handle it now
well how would you expect me to handle!
i know you guys raised me...took me into your home
but thats a place that i can no longer call my own
nothing will ever be the same longer can i tell you i love you
i no longer feel like i once did
there was so much you could have done...but so much that you hid
im always crying...not knowing what to do
i know i have people who love me
feels like theres only a few
i dont know what to tell myself anymore
i guess ill be okay
living day by day


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  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thats good work hun keep it up xx