STop sAcrifiCing

by nO more teARs tO cRy   Mar 29, 2008

I leArned tO lOve sOmeonE wiTh aLl mY lifE....bUt thEr cAme a pOint wEn i gOt tiRed nOt oF LoviNg bUt oF sAcrifiCing aLl thAT i hAVe...thEn a thOught cAme tO mY miNd....i hAVe givEn eVerythiNg bUt hAve rEceivEd nOthing bUt pAin aNd teARs in rEtuRn...iS thiS enOugh tO pRove tHAt i reAlLy lOve thAt pErson? oR iS iT a siGn tEllinG mE tO stOp sAcrifiCing aND leArn tO lOve mYsElf a litTle mOre?


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