Father, if i only knew ye.

by Lacie   Apr 11, 2008

Look! there goes another day, another hour another

second, without you. There goes another memory,

another thought, a glimpse of what could have been

a dream that i once had. I word on my lips, a bat and a

ball. A game in the park, a game for us all. i raise a

glass to you dear dad, that man i never knew. I tip my

hat, I bow my head, i close my eyes in prayer!

And pray that u see the life u screwed that child you left

for death. I hope that you know how bad i felt growing

up without you! The meetings at school.. oh look no dad

The children all laughed for the girl with no dad, and

pressed that button so hard. They took there shots,

pokes and prods and drove them right on through. It

would have been nice to go camping. A day on the

lake with old dad but oh! if i only saw you now i would

share a few words with you. The words would go a little

like something you see on the lips on a person who

has had enough with being treated so bad so many

times that they don't know what to do. So hey I'll keep

on wishing those stupid wishes and dream those

childish dreams. I'll still wish you were here on

Christmas time or even on my birthday! Or when I throw

That ball against the wall sense theres a father no more

And I'll still be sad when it's fathers day and no father

in sight. So hey, i tip my glass to you "dad" or should i

stick to Marty..

through rough times and easy even if hes not my father i thank god for Kelly, being the closest thing to a
father i have ever known, thanks Kelly..


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lacie

    Thank you so much

  • 16 years ago

    by Lacie

    Thank you very much. Im glad i'm not the only one who feel like that.

  • 16 years ago

    by Black Rose

    Very good poem i know how that is not having a father. my mom still want tell me who he is i couldnt put that in better words