Daughter to Father

by silent soliloquy   Apr 11, 2008

Father can you listen to me
Just sit down and pretend you care
Where have you been all this while
You're always gone somewhere

Your attention can't be replaced with materiality
Like it used to work a long time ago
Please don't pick fights mother
Then pack your bags, slam the door and go

Is this what we call a family
When you've been a stranger all this while
Please father, don't hit me again
Scars inside, I'm forced to smile

We're not a 'happy family'
So stop drilling my head with this lie
You want me to be a perfect daughter
Yet my desire is to die

We're the talk of the world
Because they think we're rich
But it's you with all the money
You never came back when you left us in the ditch

Daughter to father, this is my confession
You broke my mother's heart since the day I was born
You've broke your children for life and there's no turning back
And you pierced us deep like a rose's thorn

We're hanging by a thread
And it's too late too erase the mistakes
I guess you still haven't listen to a word I've said
Now it's too late, it's too late


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jason

    I've got to say all your poems are pretty good
    keep up the good work!

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