
by Alexis   Apr 14, 2008


She feels it everyday,
But hides it under a heavy mask,
Her friends at school dont
know the pain she feels inside,
When she gets home though
the abuse starts again,
When its over she prays
That some day god will
come take her and she
will live a happy life forever,
And that no one will ever hurt
her, The next day she goes
to school with bruises all over,
her friends her teachers ask
what happened...
She thinks......
Should I tell them...Or should I lie
like all the other times??
The police come..
She tells them what happened.
The police take her home..
Her mother strikes her across the face..
She watches her mother as she tries to struggle free
from the big arms of the police,
She runs to her room...
She cant breath...
She falls on her bed...
Shes dizzy...
Tonight she had the best
dream ever...
That she was in heaven....

**Alexis pepin...Comment it please..**


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  • 16 years ago

    by TeXAmoXGummieX

    Very emotional nice 5/5 comment back plz