Water Song

by ImperfectBliss   Apr 15, 2008

I am currently writing a book--in the form of a poem--and this is the first few lines of it. Is about about a humpback whale named Nikoleet, who is one of the last of her kind. This story tells of her and her family's journey. It's a work in progress.

Listen to the song of the water
Its gentle, deep tone
Pulsating and filling the ocean
With its incredible voice.
Listen to the lapping of the waves
And the sharp cry of the gulls.
Hear the low song
Vibrating throughout the deep.
Can you hear it?
Hear the cry of my people
Sad, heartbroken
Yet so full of hope.
I am Nikoleet,
And I am one of the last of my kind.
My small family travels throughout this
Great expanse of water.
We long for others
Of our kind.
But we have not seen or heard from any
Of our friend families
For many, many moons.
I fear they are lost
Lost among this great watery desert
Called the sea
Lost to the four limbed creatures
Who lurk on the beaches
Where we swim near.
My family cries out,
And fills these waves with their song
Longing for one of our kind to hear
And bring us news of what has befallen
Our dear friends.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "Listen to the song of the water
    Its gentle, deep tone
    Pulsating and filling the ocean
    With its incredible voice."

    Excellent word choice that really took my breath away!

    "Listen to the lapping of the waves
    And the sharp cry of the gulls.
    Hear the low song
    Vibrating throughout the deep.
    Can you hear it?"

    Another beautiful part. I love this poem, its cool how you're writing a book, good luck with it. So far what you have is fantastic! Keep writing, always and forever...