Not a place

by Whitley   Apr 19, 2008

What is there to do while i sit here and stare
my mind races wildly, its too much to bare
so many voices calling my ears
too many choices and too many tears
either decision a heart will break
what do i chose? if a life is at stake
i wish i could sleep to clear my mind
i could dream of a place where life is kind
does it exist? a myth of happiness
a world with an absence of bitterness
one where parents could settle the past
where a child can grow and not be harassed
a land where doors didn't need to be locked
where rights were free instead of blocked
a utopia where death only came from above
where races embraced the other in love
but no such place could ever be
sadness and hate haven hidden the key
so the choices in my life i make
I'm sure will cause your soul to ache
but it is my life i must embrace
or love and joy will be erased


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