Sick to my Core

by neo   Apr 30, 2008

The tears I shed
The thoughts that torment my head
All over you
You made it so very clear
I am not the one for you
Your a pathetic excuse of a person
If I had one wish
I would be serving your head on a dish
Blaming everyone else for the way you are
Thats what giving my heart to you was
I am a Cleaner
With an itchy trigger finger
Dreams turned to nightmares
As time goes by
I know I will heal emotionally
Duct tape, pliers, and you tied to a chair
Thats what I really want to see
You are a sorry short, middle aged, overweight waste
Karma is slow in her ways
Step in my path.

and you will see how evil I can really be


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by elwood

    This sounds like a horrid person. very deep poem

  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Oh that was poweful. good work xx

  • 16 years ago

    by she

    Duct tape, pliers, and you tied to a chair
    Thats what I really want to see
    You are a sorry short, middle aged, overweight waste
    Karma is slow in her ways
    Step in my path.
    and you will see how evil I can really be
    your so very thruthful on your poems, that's what makes them great!