In Prison

by SoUrNameIsTia   May 1, 2008

These people don't learn better,
they learn worse,
an easy plan,
thats quick and terse.

more than one mind in there,
we all know,
what they think
is what we don't.

the death penalty,
was a retched thing,
but what's done is done,
now revenge is at end.

serial killers and thieves too,
all have their riddles,
which they solve their own,
to get to the goal,
that wont be blown.

mysteries are held,
and brought up as one,
from the hundreds of inmates,
they all think a ton.

we have all seen,
the crazy escapes,
that prisoners have made,
remember the old saying?
great minds think alike?
picture hundreds as one.

they can be tougher then an army,
quit as still air,
and get past,
to reach their great freedom.

--All Poems by Tia E


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