The rain that falls as i fall to

by sydney   May 10, 2008

The rain washes over me as i walk through the streets

People are running trying fast to run from the tears falling from the sky

As they run they look at me confused but say nothing and keep running

Its fine i don't need them to talk to me, I don't need them to be confused about me

my eyes blank, my hair wet, my clothes soaked

Walking to an unknown destination but i keep walking down the darkened path

The night has crept around me as the rain pours harder

I feel the pain it releases and my own tears mingle with the pain released night

I can't stop these thought racing through my mind can't escape the pain the days have brought

The strain i have endured resides within me bottled up until i can't stand it anymore and i realize i can't stop the tears

my feet have stopped my body still a bridge in front of me

The water still except for the ripple the tears from the sky have made marring the gentle surface

Looking down i see someone its a girl

She seems to call to me with a gentle voice

Her arms are open wide her smile is kind her knowing eyes can see the pain in mine

I stand on the rail I wonder can I fly I want to find out

To fly to the girl with arms spread wide

I close my eyes and my body tilts forward

I don't feel a thing as i hit the waters surface

Its becoming hard to breath but the girl is still calling

I feel my heart stop and then a spread of warmth

I'm there now with the girls smiling at her as she smiles back we walk in to the distance

The real world continues the sky breaks its darkness the sun shines through

There on the rocks is I sleeping for eternity a smile upon my face tears falling from my eyes the water around me is calm once more

What a beautiful time.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Excellent way to end the poem, good work x

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