I miss you

by Lexi Lou   May 30, 2004

Turn on a home movie
sit down next to the popcorn
it starts playing
immediately I'm torn

i see a small boy dancing,
and cracking everyone up
my eyes start to water
i feel like I'm gonna throw up

memories flood my mind
hear comes the crying
its painful now
I'm not denying

i hear the laughs on
those summer days
being with you
took me away

my best friends face
fill the screen
my first love
the first human being

the first one
i leaned on
the first one
who made me strong

its getting painful
knowing your not here
i cant live knowing
you cant lend an ear

its been a year
since you moved
you threw me out of
life's groove

life drags on
Ive cried so many tears
here comes more
i want you here

my best friend
tore me apart
and left a mark
in my heart

he left, he moved
but he's still with me
Ive know him since 2
so i live with his memories

no one understands how
much i leaned on him
no one gets why
life looks more dim

my little school boy
move back with me
make me smile
i miss you Chaddy!

~Lexi Lou
long i know but no one can really get how much i miss him and i can go on and on...chad, he was my first brother figure...Ive known him since the age of two....and now hes gone...I'm gonna go try to stop crying~


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  • 20 years ago

    by Timothy r

    I have enjoyed reading most of your poems now Lexi, just getting around to commenting, I think you have talent that will take you a long way, I hope everyone gets to experience your writng. Thanx for sharing, Love, Timothy r