Pain and Torture

by Emma!!!   May 31, 2004

Why are we here just to die because you live a while and then die,
But what do we learn unless we help the people around us,
Why war what does it solves,
It solves nothing,
It just means that people get killed and become homeless,
It is not just a dream even though we wished it was,
But people get to hell and back in there life and the out come is death,
Life is one big disaster,
But we have to be here for a reason,
But we don’t find it out until we die,
Why don’t we find out before?
Is it because we are being punished for the way we are,
Or is it because we aren’t suppose to find out,
But whatever it is I wish I knew,
I wish we could solve the differences in the world,
So people weren’t fighting because of there race in colour,
Or because they just want entertainment,
But it makes others suffer,
So I would like to know why do people get put through torture then die,
Because dying is the whole reason we are here unless we make a difference,
But the world is would be better if there wasn’t war and suffering and pain and torture but this doesn’t solve anything it would be better if the world solved there differences so there isn’t any more pain just happiness.

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  • 19 years ago

    by martynsgirl

    hey u left comments opn my poetry so im returnin the favour so.. like wow cool poems