Metaphore --> depression

by xxSmilesAndTearsxx   Jun 27, 2008

Sinking down into this hole
As the time slips by
Like water in my hands
It just keeps falling through the cracks
I stand here, feeling I'm on solid ground
But I'm just going farther under
Soon I'll be all the way down
It feels like I already am
It feels like I'm ready to let go
Once Ive dug myself a hole
There is only one thing left to do
And that is to take away my life
Wait for someone else to burry me
It's like I'm already buried though
So slowly I sink in this hole
Farther and farther down...

Ive made it to 4 feet
I feel so sick
So dead
I don't know why I'm still here
I should just keep digging
It feels like there is nothing left
Nothing left to stay alive for
I'll dig this six foot hole
And I'll kill myself in it
No one will notice
I'm practically dead already
No one really notices me
No one really cares
Why should I care
There is a few people who do
But they will get over it
They will just forget about me
Everyone else has...
Just let me be...
I will be gone very soon
And it will be fine for all

Five feet
I have hit rock bottom
I don't know what to do
I could kill myself now
And it wouldn't really matter
I don't know though
The pain is going away
Now all there is, is darkness
I cant see straight anymore
I cant tell what I'm feeling
There is no more good left
No more happiness
It is all gone
All dead
I wish that I could be
But I haven't made it there
I'm dying so slowly
Every time I get more dirt up
The darkness hits harder
There is nothing left around me
I cant tell if I'm standing
I don't know what is happening
I don't like this feeling
I would rather feel nothing
But that is not what I do
I can feel a hand
I cant see
But I know it is you
You pull me up
And I realize I'm alright
Out of this hole
I keep going up
I feel so bad still
I tell you to leave
Just let me keep digging
Make it to six
I'm so very close

You say to me, "no
It's not happening
You are coming out of here now
I will take you back
Make you happy
I will make it all okay"
I look into your eyes
And I start to believe you
I look down at the ground
And think
"What was I going to do?"
I think about what I would have lost
A lot of things, but the worst thing... you
I didn't think about it at the time
But now that I have you here
It seems like a lot more of a loss
I don't know if I should
If I should stay alive
So many things hurt
When I come back up
It's like I'm a foot under ground
Just trying to get around
But there is just so much holding me down
But now that I have you
My hand in yours
I feel so much better
Like I have so many open doors

no matter how good or bad you think it is
haha, thanks for reading! =D


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