Hanging On

by xxSmilesAndTearsxx   Jun 27, 2008

Feeling so down
I feel like I'm hanging on a wall
On the outside of a building
My arms are going to give out
I've been hanging for so long
Waiting for you to save me
Waiting for someone to come along and see me hanging
Hopefully it won't be too much longer
Either I just let go
Or I wait until I give out
I can't handle it any longer
Time is going by slowly
As I wish I could be stronger
I wish I could take this pain
The pain of waiting
I wish I could just continue to hold on
But I'm ready to let go
I'm ready to drop
My fingers slip
My right lets go
I'm holding on by one arm and I feel my shoulder popping
I can't take it any longer
I can't hold on
It's time to let go
I close my eyes
And I let my fingers slip
Down I go, quickly, with no pain
Nearly at the ground
So many thoughts going through my head
So many things I keep wishing
But I guess it's over now
I feel my legs give in
I feel my head smash the ground
I don't feel anymore

no matter how good or bad you think it is
haha, thanks for reading! =D


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  • 15 years ago

    by SoUrNameIsTia

    =[ that sucks. (not the poem lol) it was good 5/5
