Path of death

by anissa   Jul 7, 2008

The pain within
deep inside
cuts away the soul
buried beneath all those lies
the hurt you made
the tears i cry
still cuts a whole
deep inside
the blood rushes faster
as the whole begins to grow
i know the end is near
but yet i don't want to go
i feel i must die
but i feel i must stay
I'm caught between two thoughts
that make me want to die and life
I'm half alive but yet half dead
i know my decision
will decide my future
on one hand death
can make pain and loneliness go away
and on the other life
i wonder a path filled with hate
people hurting me
breaking my heart
nothing happy to keep me going
i decided
the path i must take
will save me
its calling me
the choose
it will take the pain away
i wont feel lonely
i wont be hurt
i walk the dark path
to the end of life as i know it
the pain grows more
my soul disappears
i cry
but I'm smiling
because soon it will go away


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