Equality PLEASE!

by shadowed heart   Jul 8, 2008

Life isn't fair, is what they say.
alot of people experience this everyday.

I feel if I'm going through bias sisters.
My mom says were equal but I dare to differ.

I do one little think wrong and punished for unreasonable time. My sister goes the wrong way but its okay cuz its just a "little crime" right?

I want to be equal,treated right.
Not because Ive shown who I am lately. Cant yall respect that and my personality?!

Stop trying to make me change back.
I am who I want to be you cant change that!

Its not a stage teenager go through. I AM Taylor Dayne and Ill be who I want to!

Not for you. but for myself.
Not for my sister or for my mom. Equality is what I long!

Life isn't fair. Its something I deal with and Ive gotten used to.
I can hope or dream for it but nothings gonna happen.

Just because shes more perfect than me doesn't mean I don't deserve a chance to show what I can make of me.

People make mistakes. Get that in your mind! I'm not like Haley. I'll be the rebel if that will make me any different in your eyes.

Just let me be whats set on my mind. Ill do my crime, pay the time. DON'T JUDGE ME AND ILL BE JUST FINE!!


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