Moments of reflection

by Orchid Man   Jul 9, 2008

I looked out the window today and shook my head with disbelief
The winter wind with its nephew rain were battering on the window panes
It has rained for days and the wind has robbed the trees of their coloured leaves
Then instinctively my thoughts turned to you and I felt my concern reaching out for you.

If the day had been sunny with blue skies my concern would have still been as strong
Like other women you work so hard here at home then find time to help other people
Selfishly I worry about the time I spend alone without giving you merit for the care you show others
I wish you were here right now so I could hold you in my arms and tell you how proud of you I am.

Orchid Lady I knew you were an exceptional woman from the first moment our eyes met -
- there is something about your hair and those greenish eyes that hold me spellbound
For many years I had held a conviction I would always remain alone, then we were drawn to each other
At that moment I felt that once in a lifetime feeling; you came into my body like a searching tide.

Love is one of those joys no one can really put words to and explain to another person -
- no one has ever been able to put into normality what the true meaning of love is - no one
To me, my love for you feels as though you have placed me deep inside your heart -
- you have me nestled inside you where I can't be harmed and only you and I can embrace.

Sweetheart, childish as it may seem to you and no matter the reason, I miss you before you leave
Yes my love I actually miss you even though you are standing beside me as I know soon I will be alone
Circumstance will one day dictate our time together will see us parted through age -
- it will be a time when Heaven opens its doors to enable a fresh start to be made, but I need you today.

Before you come home today I am going to sit down and write a letter expressing my love for you
I wish you to know how precious you are to me and how living with you gives me so much excitement
How the sight of your body takes my breath away every morning and each time I look in your direction -
- you see Orchid Lady though others have failed; you are love itself and I love you.


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