Early morning

by Orchid Man   Jul 29, 2008

It was so cold this morning; even the grey clouds seemed to be frozen
They congregated and sat in one place as though Nature had deserted them
The sun would not wake up and shine; instead lay hiding behind the distant mountains
Usually chirping birds were silent and only the sounds of traffic broke the eerie silence.

I know it is winter here, but even on winter days the sun opens its eyes and usually smiles
Grey clouds roll away and the sky becomes clear; displaying its azure blue finery
Yet for some reason this morning every part of nature seems to have lost all desire to live
Even I am sitting here with frozen hands and a body that is shaking like an earth tremor has hit it.

Orchid Lady, all I can do is sit here thinking of you and hope that your love and warmth will change things
I am sure your hands will cover mine and bring back my smiles and zest to meet the new day
You have always made my heart so happy and its beats race around my body keeping all life humming
Sweetheart, if ever a day would yawn and breathe without you I never wish to witness that day.

The importance of any given day is measured so differently by all manner of people -
- my day consists of you and every breath you take is a measure of your importance to me
The sun, the moon and even clouds, trees, flowers and all living creatures depend on you
Flower of my life, without you; my heart would cease beating and I would wither like a spent plant.

At last! The sun has opened its eyes and is slowly raising its ancient body above the mountain tops
Soon the grey clouds will journey on and clear skies will bring a radiance to cheer this present gloom
Even birds have began to chirp their messages to each other and the bustle of their lives greets this day
Now you and I can go on our daily walk and greet nature and the important life she freely presents to us.

Come hold my hand my orchid, the wishing well and old wooden bridge are waiting for us -
- so too is the forest with its trees, plants and furry friends.


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