An atMospheRe that kiLLs..

by maEve may   Aug 15, 2008

ITs qUiet as a roOm of daRkness
sO hard tO fiNd peRfecT happiNess
mySterious aS a maN couLd be
aN atmOsphere i CanT cLearLy see...

peopLe suRrounDs me in bLacK
tHey rOtates sEconds to sEconDs likE a cLOck
LookS at mE wiTh theiR eYes sO darK
in my hEad, Like a piCture they maRk...

anD as i pLead anD kneeL
oUt of thiS pLace noT for mE a pLace i Cant feeL
Out of thiS aTmosphEre i pRay
aLL coLors tuRns to graY...


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