GSA Poem

by XxLonelyLovexX   Sep 21, 2008

Everyone lives their life
the best way they can
and isn't it hard enough
without a racist fan
We are all the same inside
cut me and you would see
the same blood as you
so what is so wrong with me?
So what if I'm not the same
religion, race, or sexuality,
I'm still a human walking around
just with a different personality
I go through life
just as you may
I love someone just like you
except in a different way
Just because I look different
and love someone you may not
doesn't mean I'm deadly
or that i should be shot
I've heard all the sayings
and I've heard all the lies
so please just stop it now
for I'm not the type that denies
I will admit that I'm not like you
but i won't admit it's wrong
for if you can't except me
I'm the one left to be strong
I've dealt with these problems
that i feel i shouldn't bear
I don't judge you
so shouldn't it be fair?


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  • 15 years ago

    by XxLonelyLovexX

    Haha thank you soo much ^_^

  • 15 years ago

    by Karena

    Very nice write. Flowed nicely and I totally agree. People should stop judging people with raciality or gender. Though I have to admit I find myself doing so too often. Grr bad habit.