Sleeping Beauty

by Kira   Sep 30, 2008

The cold marble slab

Presses through,

Chills my already frozen form.

Gauze tickles my nose

As I try to move,

To toss off the shroud.

My silent scream fills my head,

As I realize

I have no heartbeat.

A movement

Off to the side

Catches my attention.

A dark figure moves closer,

It is caught in a thin

Shaft of light.

And had I any breath,

I would have gasped.

Chestnut eyes burn

Under beautiful dark curls.

He moves to me,

Pulls back the funeral shroud

And leans down.

I feel his warm breath

On my frigid face.

His lips, an inch from mine,


A moment of hesitation.

Then -

They press against mine.

My heart thumps,


Then starts again

Full force.

Thumping out of my chest.

My lips are blazing.

The heat spreads -

Face, neck, chest,

Arms, fingers,

Then races to my toes

And back again.

My arms, free of their paralysis

Wind around his neck.

My fingers entwine in

His gorgeous tresses.

He pulls back,

Face flushed,

Eyes sparkling,

And whispers,

"Good morning,

My sleeping beauty."


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