Away from the drama

by never let go of the falling angels   Sep 30, 2008

I canget away from the drama
Whether Im at home, school, or at my friends
I wouldnt be able to escape the drama even if I ran away
Because the thought of it would still be in the back of my mind
My family and I are moving to my grandmothers in a hurry, in a trailer due to foreclosure
My uncle got married to a foreigner who came on over to American,
He got married into drama for now is wife and step daughter just cause problems
His son changed in so many ways, whether its the good or the bad, I dont know
He doesnt even like his own family and I dont blame him.
His sister is as mean as can be and his mother doesnt show much more care then her,
His father is pushing him away like he doneven belong and thats what gets me the most for my uncle was the one you could always depend on.
He was the one that was always there to help me though anything I needed, he was the one in my family that I felt willing to go to when I needed the help the most and now I dont even want to look at his face.
I dont want him in my sight.
My dad and his sister are now fighting over the dumbest things ever and now we can even talk to my cousins.
Everything is a mess in this family and theirs nothing I can do to fix it
Schools a pain, to much that needs to be done
I hate getting up early, I hate switching buses, I hate dealing with the people but I dont want to switch schools for that would be worse, they call Chariho girls a bunch of $lut$ and they dont care to even get to know us
Ive lost friends and I really dont care
I lost trust but I can gain that back over time
I feel like Im loosing what I really want in life and that I can do anything about it
I can find a job no matter how much Ive tried
Ive been getting in to way to many fights but none that are physical, which is good but I still dont know what to do
I dont do as mush as I wished in life
Ive turned down opportunities that I should have taken.
I got engaged, will be married in a few years,
But I dont know what year.
People criticizes that choice I made, while others are really happy about it
My mom doesnt care and dad doesnt know, nor should he know for that will just cause more drama and more problems.
Life has its thrills, and its joys
While it has its downs, and really bad times
I wish time could be more consistent with less drama and problems
I want happiness, and thrills in my life
I want to accomplish everything Ive been working for
I want to enjoy my life, avoid all the problems, and the drama
I want to go on and avoid all this.
I want to try!


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  • 15 years ago

    by XxMoonLightxX

    I think this is more of a blog than a poem or quote hun