New love

by jackie vallerio   Oct 6, 2008

I found new love
new love that feels like a fairytale
love that is like health river that flows fast
new love
like wild roller coaster ride
the love that is pure
that takes over your body and you cant resist the feeling you just want to be close
a pure love that cant be found
you don't know why you love the other person you just know you need to with them and you feel like your dead with out the other half
a gateway throw there eyes
way to pure love
his love is pure
way to my fairytale
my knight in shinning armor
a chance to be loved again way it should be
a way to glad again throw the air like
i use to a back of the horse
a way to be free again
to leave all the pain away and worry some be gone just for a short period of time


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