Kiss of death

by jackie vallerio   Mar 24, 2008

The kiss of death came for you

you are sick with no cure

the doctors didn't catch it fast enough

wish you could live until i got married

you and Jeanie both i love you two so much

my only two aunt and uncle i very close to

Jeanie's died shortly after mothers day

it was killing her from the inside

now your leaving us also

no i cant visit you in the hospital
i cant watch another family member die

feel so helpless

it was bad enough when Jeanie died

I'm not strong enough to watch my favorite uncle die

in hospital bed

i cant stop crying because i know your life will end

the angel of death kiss you on the head

and said i will end your suffering

bring you to Jeanie

you two in heaven watching over us

i miss Jeanie smile and your hugs

i miss the old times when you two could walk and not be so weak and dying

i know they say drinking the pain awake doesn't work but something has to take the heart ache away

i can no longer think about the next day everything just got under upside down again

by Jackie vallerio


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