I'm At Home In Your Arms

by stargirl49   Oct 21, 2008

Love you in the darkness,
love you in the light.
Love you in the dawn,
love you in the twilight.
Many shades, many colors
swirling, swirling,
swirling round in my head.
Fireworks flaring,
stars dancing,
flutes sending notes
soaring through the sky.

The emotions I feel
when I'm with you
are too many to count.
Your lips touch mine
with an accompaniment
of the sweetest music in my ears
and the most brilliant fireworks
bursting behind my eyelids.
My heart feel syours
beating close next to mine.
I never knew how much
I'd missed you
until I was in your arms again.

You broke my heart once before.
There's no guarantee
that you won't do it again.
But nonetheless,
I open my heart to yours.
You stole my love so long ago
and I never got over it.
Now that I'm near you again,
I'm completely lost
in your intoxicating spell.
I can't resist your deep brown eyes
that look so far into mine
or your strong arms
that make me feel so safe
or your mischievous smile
that makes my insides curl

I'm at home in your arms,
please don't ever let me go.


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