Schmile Sam (ROFL I wrote you the most random thing ever)

by Curing the Comon Cliche   Oct 29, 2008

Uhm i don't know
Pet's aren't animals too
She likes both salt and pepper
Her favourite colour is blue

She doe's like pizza
Something to do with eating out
I didn't know fast food
Was so suggestively talked about

She doesn't like being trapped
Without out sounds or with out words
She doesn't like the vacuum
Cause deafening quiet is all that's heard

She likes cheese
That should be a stanza by itself
I call it the cheese stanza
Cheese stanza and nothing else

I would end the poem about cheese
But I'm crazy enough as it is
So I'll say something about smiling
Cause that's the point of this

I know crap goofy poems
Are funny to have in hand
But I wrote it to make you less sad
I say you schmile Sam

*friend was having a bad night, I wrote a funny poem about her*


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  • 15 years ago

    by twilightfan

    Hope ur friend laughed cuz i cracked up!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Disaster

    XD!!! I'm sure she'll love this, and smile lots too (i know i did, and i dont even get the jokes youre tlaking about :P)

  • 15 years ago

    by StandStill

    made me laugh. Hope it made her laugh too. The best poem is a jesse poem. :P


    *sends her smile thoughts*