Dark Spotlight

by PHOEBIX   Nov 25, 2008

Burning bright in eternal darkness
I lie in wait amid the pain
Hope is shriveled, finished crying
No more tears left to shed

Tiny spark shines most pale
Hiding, hiding in the despair
Faith has failed too many times
I welcome the final end

Yet what is this among the black
Another light like mine
Shining bright despite the sorrow
How it calls to me

I can not move enough to reach
Heavy lies the burdens I carry
I stare at hope so far away
I curl into a tighter ball

Something slight touches me
Head comes up to look
A feathered wing of thought has alit
Upon my furrowed brow

Tiny moth amid the dark
Fluttering before my eyes
Pale and sweet in blackness dire
An envoy from beyond

Like kitten entranced by shaken string
I rise involuntary from my place
Flitting enticement leads me onward
Feet walk of their own accord

Clumsy feet stumble and fall
I land hard upon the rocky ground
Too far, too far and far too long
I can not get up to go on

Little bug of silken wing
Why don't you leave me be
Teasing, teasing with your flight
I can not follow you

Silly moth will not give up
Insistent sibilant bug
Whispering promises in my ear
You lie. I will not listen

My spark is gone and I grow cold
As stone floor absorbs my soul
No warmth, no fire, no solace here
Stupid insect refuses to leave

It senses light, it senses heat
It claims I am the source
But I know I'm cold and fruitless now
There's naught but emptiness

It hovers yet around my form
A body lying frigid and still
It won't give up despite my warnings
It stays when it should escape

Hand reaches out to crush its life
A tip of gossamer is caught
Ripped from the air and destroyed
Small creature tumbles in mid-flight

I rise up in triumph, standing tall
Booted foot will finish the job
To stomp the annoyance into dust
But the thing has disappeared

Buzzing sound in my ear
Almost too quiet to notice
Yet there it is, that flying pest
It is whole and unharmed again

How can this be when I did squash
A piece of its body to rubble
How can it fly around again
And why has it not left screaming

The light, the light, it repeats
Over and over, again and again
You have a light that is seen most clear
I can not turn away

No, this can not be, I insist
My light is extinguished most utter
There is nothing left of hope and love
Completely spent and gone for good

No, no, no, asserts the bug
You shine most bright as always
Perhaps you are blind to your own spark
But I can see it most clearly

You are madness, foul insect
To linger so close to your death
I am terribleness incarnate and worse
I am an instrument of the ultimate end

I doubt that severely, the moth will say
You merely wounded, you did not kill
I can heal from such a blow
You didn't try very hard to destroy me

I will try now, you'll feel my wrath
Prepare to meet your maker
And yet the swing I can not throw
What the heck is happening here

You see, you see, the bug will say
You can not do it, as I knew
You are good within the foulness
That surrounds you, holding you down

Break free, break free, of burdens heavy
Let yourself shine forth as designed
You can do it, you can believe
Life can be more than pain

You found your strength
When you struck at me
Now use that power
To take flight as I have

No longer bound to the rock are you
No longer as thick with sorrow
The tears may flow again some time
But for now, allow yourself to walk

Beyond the black surrounding us
I see the flames of hope and faith
Will you travel with me now
And see what else life can provide

Stupid moth, I will not follow
An insignificant bug like you
I'll find my own path, by myself
But if you want, I begrudge, you can join

So travel together it is, asserts the moth
Side by side by side
Perhaps finding separate side tracks
But keeping each other within view

I shrug and step in a random direction
I'll go wherever I want to go
Stupid insect, so tiny and pointless
It hovers away and then near again

It does not lead, but doesn't quite follow
There are other fires here, now I see
It flutters near each, absorbing flame
I watch and then trod away on my own

It flitters back, circles me once or twice
Then zips away again to new light
I walk sometimes, stop sometimes
Do whatever I feel

The darkness still lingers everywhere
It surrounds and glooms about
I revel in its familiarity
Stupid moth was wrong about me

I am not light, I am one with the ebony
Living darkness, I will insist I am
It is my essence, it is my cause
Ridiculous insect knows nothing

Silly creature thinks I have brightness
The pale wings have a smirking face
It smiles with secret knowing
I shrug and wander into my life


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