Two Hearts, One Soul

by Anthony Duvalle   Jan 6, 2009

A salty flood seems imminent
So I'm hiding my face in shame
I just want to feel the love
You said comes down like rain

A gentle touch on my cheek
Pulls my eyes to lock with yours
I can see the love built up in you
You said it rains, tonight it pours

A seat away, hazel eyes locked
It only takes one more move
A fluid motion, before I know it
Our new soul ceases to be two

An embrace only felt by gods
A kiss only cherished by lovers
Feelings of this magnitude
Cannot be found under the covers

Your quickening but steady breath
Mixed with my tight but loving grip
This kiss will live on til the end
I swear I will never leave your lips

Though this kiss is over and gone
The feeling remains for a lifetime
I wont ever forget my love for you
This kiss stays cemented in my mind


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