The Death Of Love

by Nikoshiana   Feb 16, 2009

*What happens when true love dies?*

When true love dies,
You will not die,
Nor will your soul.
Instead you will linger...
There is stillness.
Only the very experienced will see it,
Only the most soulful of souls will feel it reflecting from your soul.
To most mortals, it is invisble.
Visable only to those who have been enveloped in the depths of it.
For it is as if everything falls to sleep,
Your heart, Your soul.
And you are left only cradling the reminants of it within your dreams.
The embers of love,
How they haunt you...
Its like someone drew a curtain across the sky.
Everything falls silent.
yet the sky is not black, and the world still turns,
People rushing by, living and dancing their dreams,
yet you feel alone in a crowded world.
To you, there is no desire to dance,
Not anymore.
And at any random moment, within an instant,
Your eyes will prick and sting with tears,
As you remember exchanged "I love yous",
And for a moment you will lose your breath,
And you will cry.
Yet your path of life continues...
But with less meaning.
So where do you go with that knowledge?
Should you be thankful you had the chance to love?
Or sorrowful at the loss of it?
To have been touched by something so beautiful
that it stirred your soul in its beauty,
Compelled you to caress, to touch, to feel.
It taught you tenderness, and made you aware of the
very meaning of life.
You will remain lost in its yearnings,
And you will feel it beneath every sigh, breath, and beat of your heart.
Within every moment, memory and dream.
So what happens when true love dies?
Nothing happens,
Everything is still..
And you linger.
For ever has it been said...
Love knows not its own depth til the hour of seperation.
And without it,
There is only an aimless wandering and lingering of the soul.


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