Missing You

by MaRae Lynn   Mar 2, 2009

My Christmas is long and boring
Because I cant have you by my side
You are what makes me happy
My love for you I can not hide

Without you this Christmas
I am going to be sad
You are what makes me happy
So I pray you come back soon
Even with all the bad

I miss you so much
Why won’t you come back to me?
My love for you will never change
Me and you together is how I want it to be

I know what I want probably wont come true
But I need something to live for
And that something
Just happens to be you

Please hold me tight once again
Put my head against your chest
So I can hear the rhythm of your heart
And know I am the one who’s blessed

Will someone please wake me up?
From this dream, bring me back to life
I don’t want to wish for something
That will probably bring a knife

Will you please just come back to me?
Can it just be me and you?
Forever until we die
Just remember I will forever love you


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