Sending Out The Soldiers.

by MikaMad15   May 13, 2009

"happy? whats that......?
m'dear I don't know the meaning."

Inside this frail mind,
I hear the voices,
Fighting, battling.
Over whether I live or die.
Fight or try.
Bleed or cry.

I'd like to say this is over,
I'm done.
But I can't give up now.
The world holds yet darkness,
But still beauty.
Beauty that lies within her eyes.
Her heart.
Save me, save me my angel.

I sent an army so strong, so powerful,
To defeat my enemy.
When they came back,
They told me they can't destroy the enemy.
"Why?" I asked.
One soldier replied.
"Because your enemy is you."

So I turned around and showed my back to him.
Knowing well myself that I can't fight me.
I'd have to leave.


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